The Seven Hills Symphony Orchestra

Join Our Spring Concert!

Friday, March 7th, 7:30pm

First Unitarian Church, 90 Main St.,
Worcester MA

About the Orchestra

SHS strives to create a noncompetitive environment that welcomes musicians with a wide range of skills and experience.

The orchestra performs a varied repertoire under the leadership of a professional conductor.

The Seven Hills Symphony is dedicated to

  • Providing performance opportunities to amateur, student, and professional musicians throughout Central Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut;
  • Providing the residents of those communities with access to high quality, low cost symphonic music;
  • Promoting music appreciation and building community through our outreach programs.
  • Seven Hills Orchestra is a 501(c3) organization.

Our Mission

The Seven Hills Symphony Orchestra has a dual mission:

  • To offer a musical outlet for health professionals, students, and community musicians
  • To contribute culturally to the hospital community and the greater Worcester area by providing high-quality classical music performances at little or no cost to the public

Help the Seven Hills Symphony further its mission of offering high-quality music to the general public at no charge and performance opportunities to the UMass Medical community and residents of Central Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut.

You can contribute in a variety of ways. Please DONATE to support our mission. 

Friday, March 7th, 7:30 pm.

Late Romantic Splendor
Soloist: Jack Krugman, horn

Cheetham, Commemorative Fanfare for Brass and Timpani

Strauss, Horn Concerto No. 1
Soloist: Jack Krugman

Franck, Symphony in D minor

First Unitarian Church, 90 Main St., Worcester MA

Concerto Competition will be announced later.

Support Seven Hills Symphony

Help the Seven Hills Symphony further it’s mission of providing high quality performances, and educational opportunities to the residents of Central Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut.


Please contact us for information on volunteer opportunities, or supporting the orchestra with Major Gifts, Planned Giving, and Corporate Sponsorship.

Donate online with your credit/debit card or paypal account:

To use a credit card click continue on the bottom left of the page instead of signing into your paypal account.

Contact Us